Tuesday, April 20, 2010


How often should we try to get together? Every other Year reunions, or just every 5?

Does anybody still look at this?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This is the crew we had the majority of the time, from left to right we have Misty, Kelsey, Luke, Timmian, Kyan, Cheryl, Carrie, Cameron, Tami, Jake, Angela, Tyson, Meranda, Ben, Andy, Josh, Travis, Tyler, and Kurtis. Later on Lee, and Karina showed up, and towards the end of the evening we saw Kaci as well. Thanks for coming everyone!

Can you feel the love?

Misty and Cherly did a fine job on the centerpieces.

Thanks you two for taking that job on!

The Memorbilia.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ben, Linda, Karly, and Eathan

Nice Family! Thanks for sharing Ben!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mike, Cheryl, and Dylan

Here is a post that Cheryl just got to me. I love Dylan's hair! That is great.

Thanks for sharing guys.

Again if you have pictures, e-mail them and I'll get them posted.

Monday, March 31, 2008

New Alumni Website


Unlike classmates, you can contact and locate fellow alumni for free!

Check it out if you feel like.


More Pictures, Thanks!

Here is Misty's fine work.

Here is Timmian's oldest: Andrew
and youngest: Cowan......cute boys, very cute.